Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Keithley 6517B electrometer as a V-source measuring at the same time the current I or voltage V


I have access in the lab to a  Keithley 6517B electrometer, and labview 2009, and i need create an interface with labview to measure current I, voltage V or resistance, at the same time i need use the 6517B electrometer as a source of voltage or current to evaluate characteristics before mentioned, i have the necesary hardware ( Keithley GPIB KUSB-488A).

I see the examples included in the driver and in the website of keithley, but non include the output of voltage/current example. I don't have much experience, but i am able to implement what is necessary to measure, but not for configure it as voltage/current source.

The idea is to be able to measure: as example, volume resistivity or the current in prescence of a voltage (6517 as a source) and view a graph and save the data generated.

It will be great if some one can help. 

Thanks a lot for the time.


Ivan C.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 14

Hi, I have been searching about it, but I haven´t find anything like that already made.


What you can do is just add the VISA VIs with the specific GPIB commands to make it.


You can open a one of the VIs (instructions) of the driver to se how are those done.


I also asked in the in keithley, but have not get a possitive answer.


I am sorry, about it, I will keep looking but I feel that the best way it is going to be to make the VIs yourself.

Luis Elias
NI VeriStand and HIL Product Manager
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 14


Thanks for the information, effectively, GPIB commands are needed. These commands can be found in the user manual of the keithley 6517 electrometrer.


If someone wants to VIs that I made to get an idea, I can make them available.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 14


Please post the vi's maybe someone can add them to the original driver after that.

greetings from the Netherlands
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 14



This is my example for use the keithley 6517B electrometer with V-source and Zero correct.

The program only measure current.



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 14

Hi ivkicin,


You can also upload this VI to so it becomes easier to be found!!!



Luis Elias
NI VeriStand and HIL Product Manager
Message 6 of 14

The problem you have is solvable  by changing the dataformat. And reading the buffer instead of a single value.

It has been a long time ago and maybe some lower level vi's are missin but this is a library I used for that.

Look at the tree vi and play with it. This software is not perfect and not yet complete but see it as a first step.

greetings from the Netherlands
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 14

I have a Keithley 6517B, and ran the without any modification. The VI seems to execute fine and even sets the Vsource output to the correct value (tested with a DMM). However, of the two columns of data written to the spreadsheet file, the first one associated with the measured current is not changing and is fixed at

9.910000E+37 (see the following sample readout). The second column represents the time stamp values and seems to be working fine.


      9.910000E+37      0.289109

      9.910000E+37      0.343702

      9.910000E+37      0.398109

      9.910000E+37      0.452483

      9.910000E+37      0.506823

      9.910000E+37      0.561262

      9.910000E+37      0.615847

      9.910000E+37      0.670349


Has anyone else encountered this problem?

Any help would be appreciated.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 14

this is the overflow value, is the meter indeed measuring?

greetings from the Netherlands
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 14

I don't think it is measuring with the VI. However, when I set the meter to local to do

Application>Dev-char>Diode>Leakage Curr [one of the standard preprogrammed applications]

and trigger it manually then it does measure current properly.





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Message 10 of 14