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Perkin Elmer 16PC FT-IR support

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Will Labview support a Perkin Elmer 16PC FT-IR spectrophotometer?  I do not have the original software and need something to communicate with the instrument and do basic %T and %R plots.


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Message 1 of 6

It does not appear we have any supported drivers and I was unable to find a good spec sheet on it. What type of interface does it use? There's always a chance of getting an unsupported device to work, but we don't recommend it as it often involves a lot of very time consuming work (so much so that it's typically worth getting a supported device instead). This isn't always the case, but the more details about the device you can provide the better chance there is of us being able to give you a more definitive answer. I can tell you definitively that it is not natively supported (unless it's interface conforms to a generic standard that we do support, but I couldn't find enough info on the device to determine that).

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Message 2 of 6
As far as I have been told the interface is IEEE. PE has sent me a user manual for the PE Spectrum RX I , which looks to be the next model they had..... maybe compatible?? gr
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Message 3 of 6

I don't see that one either. So you know what I'm looking at, here's the driver search results on our website for Perkin Elmer products. 

You might also ask them if they've tested any of their devices in LabVIEW using any of our drivers. Typically they communicate with us if they do, but it'd be worth a try. 


When you say it's an IEEE interface, do you mean it's a 1394? If it was serial I think you'd have a better chance at it because serial communications are relatively simple. I wouldn't chance buying something we don't explicitly support if you don't have to. We'll help you as much as we can, but sometimes there's nothing we can do right now. You can submit requests and drivers of your own at as well as view more of the drivers we support.


If you have an account with us you might also consider getting in touch with your account representative (you can call us at 1-800-ASK-MYNI and we'll connect you) and they might be able to help you pick out some alternative courses of action which may save you some time and money. 

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Message 4 of 6
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Message 5 of 6
Accepted by topic author greif1

I don't think without an instrument driver I can recommend you try to use it with LabVIEW. If you already own a copy of LabVIEW and the hardware you're welcome to give it a go, but It's not supported so all you can really do is what I previously suggested. Sorry I couldn't give you better news!

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Message 6 of 6