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Problem communicating with a Keythley 2636 in RS-232

Hello everyone,


I am trying to link my computer to my keythley 26-36B in RS-232. I have been able to communicate in RS 232 with a simple multimeter with NI MAX but when i try with my Keythley 26-36B, i have problems.

I thought it might be the parameters (baud rate, parity,etc.) but they are matched on Ni Max and on the keythley 26-36B.

If you have any ideas/advices.

The error on NI Max is a timeout error. It look likes it can not even reach the keythley 26-36B.

Have a great day.

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Message 1 of 4

Does Keithley supply a program that works with the meter?  I usually try to use the company supplied program first if I run into issues to rule out issues with the equipment and wiring.  Once I can communicate with supplied software and know everything works I will try to use LabVIEW.

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Message 2 of 4


Make sure the  Keythley 2636 is in r2232 mode, because has many diferent comm modes like GPIB, LXI etc.

Match every single r2232 parameter configuration in the  Keythley 2636  and the MAX or Labview.

Read manual for supported speeds and control flow.

Make sure the cable is built correctly, TX-RX 

That should work if not consider the possibility  Keythley 2636  rs232 mode is bkoken

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Message 3 of 4

Or try to add a CR/LF when communicating in MAX.

By the way what kind of serial port do you have? USB from good vendor to Rs232?

Does it work with the same cable on another pc?


Some questions to pin down the problem.


greetings from the Netherlands
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