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Serial Port renaming problem

We have a problem with the PXI system in our manufacturing.


The Serial Ports Com2,Com3 can not be used.
They are "blocked" by Windows.


We have 1 Serial Port (Com1) in the PXIe8133 Controller.
Then we use the PXI8430/8 with 8 Serial Ports (normally Com2-Com9)

Com2 and Com3 can not be renamed. It pops up an error message .


I attach a screenshot of the problem to show


Thanks for support



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i think COM 2 and COM 3 is not "blocked" but "in use". You can not use the same Port number for multiple COM ports. So why not using COM 4 - 11 for your PXI 8430?


If you need COM 2 and 3 for you PXI card you first have to change the COM Port number of the build in COMs.


Hope that helps.



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