Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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retrieve device serial number using IVI DMM

hello all


i've looked all through <ividmm.h> i can't seem to find how to get the DMM's device serial number using IVI DMM


i can get all sorts of other manufacturer information, including the most uninteresting nuances of the DMM's driver revision, but I can't figure out how to get what should be the most basic of info, the DMM's serial number.


I can get the serial number just fine using GPIB, but that seems to defeat the purpose of using IVI in the first place.


what am i missing?







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Message 1 of 4

As far as I know, the serial number is not part of any IVI specification.

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Message 2 of 4

thanks for the response and the link, Dennis.  I hope you can answer a couple more questions.


I see there is no requirement for Manufacturer or Model in the IVI Foundation specs, either...  yet these results are able to be retrieved using the IVI DMM library calls in CVI.   Is this extra functionality found in <ividmm.h>, just a nice-to-have inclusion in the NI-impelementation?


Now I've read somewhere on these boards that LabView provides some sort of IVI DMM-related .vi that includes ability to retrieve device serial number.   (I do not use LabView at all, we are CVI holdouts.  😉   So how would the LabView accomplish getting the serial number?   query *IDN? via GPIB and parse the S/N result before carrying on with the IVI functions?  


This seems kind of backwards to me.  I thought IVI was to aviod low level GPIB calls and the potential command inconsistencies between manufacturers and even models in the first place.  If i have to send, receive, and parse GPIB along with the IVI, it sort of begs the question as to why bother with IVI at all.



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Message 3 of 4

The requirement for make and model is in the inherent specifications.


Can you post a link? Are you sure it was with the IVI class or with the NI-DMM function?


I don't know why anyone should bother with IVI either.

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Message 4 of 4