Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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agilent 34972a usb connection

I have an agilent 34972a instrument.

It works fine with the LAN connection. I can find the instrument in MAX and I can collect the data through Labview.

But when I switch to usb connection. When I plug in the instrument, I even couldn't find the instrument in MAX. However, I can see it in Agilent IO expert.

I already checked the tulip in MAX. NI-VISA is installed as primary and agilent-VISA is secondary. I am not sure what's wrong.

Does anynoe can help me? Thanks.


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Message 1 of 5

Hi YC Chan,


In order for the device to be recognized by MAX the device must be recognized as a USB Test and Measurement Device.  Does it appear under this category in Device Manager?  Also what version of NI-VISA are you using?

Justin D
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 5

I am having a similar problem... I installed command expert and Agilent IO libraries, and now Measurement and Automation does not see anything... I get the following:  "There was a problem connecting to the database. Please restart your computer and contact National Instruments if the problem persists."  I also deleted the "Data" folder in the MAX section so it can rebuild a new database, but somehow the drivers are getting messed up.  I am using WinXP service pack 3.


Prior to installing Agilent stuff, MAX was working fine v.4.10.3001.


I will look around for another version of MAX and see if re-installing fixes the problem

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Message 3 of 5

When you installed the Agilent IO Control, it should have found the NI-VISA and left it alone and installed the Agilent VISA as secondary. I suspect something went wrong with that.

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Message 4 of 5

Yes, I actually made Agilent's the secondary driver not the primary.  Still it didn't work.  I went to NI download section, and downloaded NI-VISA, and I re-installed it with MAX 5.0.  That did the trick.  Upon installing the new measurement automation, and rebooting my computer, both MAX and IO CONTROL libraries see the instrument.


I also went into MAX and enabled TULIP dll check box as it was recommended in other threads.  I think the conflict went away.  I am not sure why this happened, but if you guys experience this, re-install visa which contains the latest MAX in it. Reboot your machine, and hopefully the issue goes away as it did for me.


Good luck!



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Message 5 of 5