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chroma 66202 driver installation

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So i tried to install the Chroma 66202 and it said that its successfully installed it. So i followed these steps b: but it still doesnt work. I thought maybe the problem would be that the driver is meant for a 32bit computer and me having a 64 bit computer. Is this the problem or i am doing something else wrong? 


attachments are the steps that i took 1) install 2) copy and paste to 3)

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Message 1 of 4

The driver is there as you included in the second screen shot.  It is a non-certified driver and does not include a LabVIEW wrapper.

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Message 2 of 4
Accepted by n223berekeley

As mentioned, there is no LabVIEW adpator for this driver. As you can see on the download page you can only use it with LabWindows/CVI or Measurement Studio.

You can convert this driver from LabWindows/CVI to LabVIEW using the following DeveloperZone tutorial.

Good luck.

Jacob R. | Applications Engineer | National Instruments

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Message 3 of 4

Thank you so much!

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