LabVIEW 2021 Public Beta

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[Bug?] Deploying result is inconsistent on RT with class method containing subpanel

Hello everyone,


I have found a weird and annyoing behaviour when trying to start a VI on an IC 3172 with embedded UI enabled. The deploy fails saying that a vi containing a subpanel cannot be deployed. It is understandable but the VI I am trying to deploy does not call the method with the subpanel. The second part of the weird behaviour is that when the deploy fails it popos up the vi with the subpanel but if I close it and try to deploy again, the deploy succeeds. I have attached a sample project and the steps to reproduce are the following:


1. Open SubPanelOnRT.lvproj

2. Open

3. Switch context to IC-DPM

4. Try to run and receive the deploy fails message


5. Close vi with subpanel.

6. Try running the caller VI again, the deploy succeeds.

Is this behaviour reproducible in LV2021? This is really annoying because we cannot start our code from source on RT and for a huge codebase it is not clear for us why Labview is loading these VIs as dependency as they are clearly not called at all. Either the top level VI should be broken or the deploy shall not fail.

Thank you in advance!



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I've filed bug 1513620 for the R&D team to look into this issue.

Christina Rogers
Principal Product Owner, LabVIEW R&D
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