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Searching for Re-entrant subVIs

[Re-post from the JKI RCF community discussion here:]

I am working on an RCF plugin to search the active VI (if reentrant) for any non-reentrant subvis. I have managed to set it up to return an array of VI Names for all non-reentrant callees of the selected VI, but what I would really like to do is pass that list to the Search Results dialog that is returned by the standard Find and Replace dialog [ctrl + F]. That way, I could (presumably) jump to each item automatically by clicking or pressing [ctrl + g]. That would be sweet. I could imagine there are probably other special scripting applications that would benefit from such functionality as well.

Has anyone found a way to launch the Search Results window programmatically, with user-defined results? Or does anyone else have an even better method for handling such a situation?

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