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Wish list for new properties/methods

I wish there was a way to get the names of all tags associated with a control (or any other object that features tags).

For a library this can be achieved using the method Get Tag Names. But unfortunately this is not available for controls.

0 Kudos
Message 41 of 56

I wish for the method that allows programmatic setting of the tabbing order on front panels without scripting.

Or at least to have the method completed in the scripting. Currently returns 1072 ;(

Brian G. Shea
Former Certified LabVIEW Architect
0 Kudos
Message 42 of 56

This is already possible, although not necessarily obvious (it took me a couple of hours to work out the kinks the first time I tried it).  Check out the full write-up here.

0 Kudos
Message 43 of 56

That is great for an application that runs and this is the method that we have implemented internally. However, when generating documentation for VI's using various Report geneartion toolkit VIs and several modified VIs, the docuementation of the controls connected to the connector pane do not show up in the order in which they are connected to the connector pane, rather in the order the controls were dropped on the front panel.

We have an internal application that will generate HTML files for each VI in our toolkits for our internal WIKI.

The application does everythings to enable the user to document VI's and controls execpt for setting the order in which the items appear in HTML which is directly linked to the tabbing order. So, programmtaically setting the tabbing order will enable our application to re-arrange the items in the tree and produce better documentation.

Thanks for the feedback, i hope this still makes it to the wish list.

Brian G. Shea
Former Certified LabVIEW Architect
0 Kudos
Message 44 of 56

Wish for a way to get image of a block diagram constant

(see here for reference :

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


Antoine Chalons

0 Kudos
Message 45 of 56

What I wont is that I edit the Icon from a VI in the new Icon editor from NI

That I can right my VI name into the text field


0 Kudos
Message 46 of 56

That's what I mean

and  it's working under LabVIEW 2010

Thanks for the help


0 Kudos
Message 48 of 56

I wish that the Bounds (Area Height, Area Width) properties for block diagram elements (as applicable) of arrays of constants were writable.

Reason for wish:


Here I have done to each property node "Change All To Write" and as you can see, the area width is not writable either at the array (ok, it shouldn't be), or at the element level.  The problem I have is with the known labview issue of constant arrays of enum typedefs being resized when the typedef is modified (adding, modifying, or removing elements).  My bright idea (now unimplementable) was to take two passes on a VI when I was going to modify a typedef, one pass would record the state of each array instance (location, and size), then after making mods to the typedef, I would re-run but this time change to the size and location that would have been recorded on the first pass.  Obviously the notion is dead in the water if I cannot write the Area Width property.

0 Kudos
Message 49 of 56


If you post that in the idea forum (or if you find one idea already there) I would definitely vote for it. I was just trying to do resize a cluster and found the same problem you did.

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Message 50 of 56