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Topics for LabVIEW Architects Forum meetings in 2015

Good morning from Germany,

I'm fairly new to the CLA community, and I'm not quite sure how these meetings work. Is it possible to join remotely, is there some kind of video stream or something like that? And at what time do these meetings take place?

Thanks in advance!


DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshops (Fab, Steve, Brian and me)
Release Automation Tools for LabVIEW (CI/CD integration with LabVIEW)
HSE Discord Server (Discuss our free and commercial tools and services)
DQMH® (The Future of Team-Based LabVIEW Development)

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Message 11 of 16

Hi Joerg,

yes it is possible to join remotely, I don't know the details however.

Be aware though that the meetings take place at 1:00-3:00 in the night German time. I did propose alternating the times between morning and evening American time which would have meant that we Europeans could take part at least every other meeting. This was however not picked up on.

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Message 12 of 16

Hi Mathis,

thanks for answering. I'm the exact opposite of the proverbial early bird, so I do not have any issues with the time. I just realized that I'm on a business trip on the 17th of February, so not sure wether I can make it.

However, here's a topic that I really would like to hear more about: Continuous Integration, from a conceptual point of view. Has anyone achieved what I'm still struggling with, and is interested in presenting?


Edited to clarify my suggestion.

DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshops (Fab, Steve, Brian and me)
Release Automation Tools for LabVIEW (CI/CD integration with LabVIEW)
HSE Discord Server (Discuss our free and commercial tools and services)
DQMH® (The Future of Team-Based LabVIEW Development)

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Message 13 of 16


Sorry you are going to miss the meeting in February. Let me know if you would like to present in any of the other dates.

Regarding videos, we post them at:

And people are able to join remotely via sponsored by Sixclear. We add a document with the details for the meeting indicating how to join.



For an opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Steve, Joerg, and Brian amongst them):
Check out DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop!

DQMH Lead Architect * DQMH Trusted Advisor * Certified LabVIEW Architect * Certified LabVIEW Embedded Developer * Certified Professional Instructor * LabVIEW Champion * Code Janitor

Have you been nice to future you?
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Message 14 of 16

Thanks, Fab.

I'm afraid I was unclear about my suggestion: I was hoping that someone else would be interested in presenting on  Continuous Integration, from a conceptual point of view. As I described in the other post, I'm not quite content with what I've achieved so far.

DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshops (Fab, Steve, Brian and me)
Release Automation Tools for LabVIEW (CI/CD integration with LabVIEW)
HSE Discord Server (Discuss our free and commercial tools and services)
DQMH® (The Future of Team-Based LabVIEW Development)

Message 15 of 16

joerg.hampel wrote:

Thanks, Fab.

I'm afraid I was unclear about my suggestion: I was hoping that someone else would be interested in presenting on  Continuous Integration, from a conceptual point of view. As I described in the other post, I'm not quite content with what I've achieved so far.

Ok, I will ask around and of course, if someone reading this post wants to volunteer to present, please let me know.

For an opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Steve, Joerg, and Brian amongst them):
Check out DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop!

DQMH Lead Architect * DQMH Trusted Advisor * Certified LabVIEW Architect * Certified LabVIEW Embedded Developer * Certified Professional Instructor * LabVIEW Champion * Code Janitor

Have you been nice to future you?
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Message 16 of 16