LabVIEW Channel Wires

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Channel Wires Entering and Leaving a Structure

> Would that be a fair statement?


> , is the "Stream Channel" a 2016 thing

We've done a lot of renaming for consistency. The "Stream" is what the "Buffer" was in 2015.

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Message 21 of 27

Stream is the 2016 name for 2015 Pipe.

One Element Stream is the 2016 name for the 2015 Buffer.

Lossy Stream is the 2016 name for the 2015 Lossy Pipe.

Messenger is the 2016 name for the 2015 Message Pipe.

Tag and Accumulator remain unchanged.

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Message 22 of 27

Ah, just a renaming.  I have to think about this, a 1 element stream doesn't sound like a buffer to me but a lossy pipe.  The term "stream" sets off alarm bells since OS X still doesn't have network streams as an efficient communication channel between systems.  In this case there is the confusion of these streams with the network elements.  They are similar but then everyone has to use "channel stream" and "network stream" for two very different objects.  You now need a specifier on an indistinct name.

I agree the old names were not great but a good first cut.  Not sure if they should be confounded with the already existing concept of streams.

LabVIEW ChampionLabVIEW Channel Wires

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Message 23 of 27

Whether it is a good idea to confound the concepts, that's an open question, but confounding them is definitely our goal. We want to highlight that they are the same functionality expressed in different syntax. Yes, the channels are currently intraprocess, but it's the nature of the movement of data that is the key conceptual part. Putting adjectives on "stream" is generally required because there are myriad ways to implement that functionality, all of which are still "streaming".

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Message 24 of 27

AristosQueue wrote:

Putting adjectives on "stream" is generally required because there are myriad ways to implement that functionality, all of which are still "streaming".

Fair enough.  Just a desire that the language and naming be clear and concise.  Maybe it is my heritage from Un*x where every 2 letter combination was a softwre tool.  🙂

LabVIEW ChampionLabVIEW Channel Wires

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Message 25 of 27

st = send transmission (handles transmission of data)

re = reduce element (translates data into transmittable form)

am = atomic movement (provides necessary locks around any operation)

mydata.txt > st | re | am


Message 26 of 27

🙂 indeed.

LabVIEW ChampionLabVIEW Channel Wires

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Message 27 of 27