LabVIEW Channel Wires

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Does not play well with Revision History options

To "force" myself to flag bug fixes, I have turned on "Prompt for a comment when the VI is saved" in my LabVIEW Options.  However, creating a Channel Wire does a fair amount of saving (click OK, click OK, click OK, ...), which is a little bit of a nuisance.  There are other circumstances in LabVIEW when a lot of things get created "behind the scenes", but this one I didn't expect.

Are new VIs actually being created?  (I haven't done this enough to notice if the Revision number is changing).  If the "Save" is only a "technical save" that doesn't change the revision number, maybe this can be flagged and the "Prompt if saved" can be ignored (as nothing new is really being saved).

Bob Schor

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Message 1 of 5

Bob_Schor wrote:

Are new VIs actually being created? 

New VIs, new classes, new libraries, new drinking buddies, a whole bar to host those buddies, and a comfy seat at the bar just for you. 🙂

We may have to look into Revision History. I'm always surprised by users who still use that feature. Our search finds very few users who do, so it often gets overlooked in feature integration testing.

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Message 2 of 5

CAR 541815 filed.

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Message 3 of 5

"We may have to look into Revision History. I'm always surprised by users who still use that feature. Our search finds very few users who do, so it often gets overlooked in feature integration testing."

As I (gracefully, I hope) age, I try to follow (more) Best Practices, including Documentation.  Turning on Revision History prompts me.  Would you believe that after all these years, I finally understand the virtue of "Write the Documentation First"?  I wish I could say that I always do this (definitely not), but when I've written it "early in the process", it has definitely been a great help!


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Message 4 of 5

AristosQueue wrote:

CAR 541815 filed.

Thanks.  Instead of clicking a lot of Cmd-W but yes, I have that turned on for hopefully encouraging documetation of changes.

LabVIEW ChampionLabVIEW Channel Wires

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