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Error -65581 when using 9146 in hybrid mode

I have a 9146 cRIO Expansion Chassis and I have FPGA code that uses two modules and I'd like to use the scan engine to read the other two modules (ie hybrid mode).  When I try to read scan engine module data, I get error -65581:


"CompactRIO:  (Hex 0xFFFEFFD3) The bitfile currently running on the CompactRIO chassis is not configured to support using the RIO Scan Interface in this slot. In the LabVIEW Project window, move the module in the slot from under the FPGA target item to under the chassis item, then recompile the bitfile."


I recompiled my FPGA code and redeployed everything but it did not make a difference.


Here is a snapshot of my lvproj file:




I get the error (-65581) whether I read "Analog In" or "PV Read" IO variables.


Note that my scan engine looks OK from Distributed System Manager:



I can confirm the FPGA code is running (am blinking the FPGA LED in my FPGA code and can see it blink).  Also, if I switch from "FPGA" to "Scan Engine" mode, I can get the AI Readings to read without an error.


I'm using the software below on my RIO:



Thanks in advance!

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 10

Hi Omar_Mussa,


I would recommend using NI-RIO 13.1, and the included recomended software set, as I believe this resolves some of these issues you may be seeing. Let us know if a driver upgrade helps. 


David C
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10

Upgraded to cRIO 2013SP1 and still have the exact same errors.  Once I deploy in FPGA mode, the scan engine modules do not update their IO variables (in Distributed System Manager the variable status says "connecting" instead of displaying the current value.  Do you have any other suggestions?


Is Hybrid mode supported on cRIO 9146 (which is an Expansion Chassis)?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10

FWIW - I updgraded LabVIEW to 2013 SP1 and upgraded cRIO to  NI-RIO 13.1.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10

I was able to replicate a similar system and, except for some minor issues at first using 13.0, I was able to successfully get it working in hybrid mode. Are you able to create a new project with a very simple FPGA VI? 


David C
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10

I reformatted the RIO and then reinstalled the RIO 13.1 and redeployed my code and it is working now in hybrid mode.  So I guess my 9146 had some bad settings that got wiped out when I reformatted.  Thanks for your help!

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

That's great to hear! Thanks for the update on the solution.


David C
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10


Omar_Mussa escribió:

I reformatted the RIO and then reinstalled the RIO 13.1 and redeployed my code and it is working now in hybrid mode.  So I guess my 9146 had some bad settings that got wiped out when I reformatted.  Thanks for your help!

Hi! I´m having tthe same problem!  just that my chassis is 9148.


I did all the steps like you but the device still doesn´t work. 


I used flexrio 13.4 and LV2012SP1 



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10

If you're going to bump a thread that's over a year old giving little information about your project, at least give accurate information?


There's no way you're fitting a FlexRIO device into the 9148.  FlexRIO are PXIe.  You can only fit c-series modules into your device.  Create a new thread with the same detail of information this original poster used and it's more likely people can help you.

Message 9 of 10
Sorry, it´s the first time that use the forum. It wasn´t a Flexrio was NI-RIO :P thanks and I´ll follow your advice regards
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 10