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How to CreateHexFile?

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If you want the .hex file for all your projects you can modify the template (e.g. C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2009\Targets\Keil\Embedded\RealView\MCB2300 \Template\Project\ LabVIEW.Uv2).
The template is copied to your project folder when the application is being built first time, after that you can make any changes locally for a particular Application – LabVIEW will not modify it, except adding/removing files, and affecting only those options available in Build Specification Properties of your LabVIEW Application.

Remember the .hex file is useful only for a release built (uncheck "Enable debugging" in "Application Information" page from "
Build Specification Properties"). This is because in debug mode the microcontroller application starts only after it synchronizes with LabVIEW (a communication is established so you can actually debug in G the software running on microcontroller). Probably you don't want to deploy "via Internet" an application which waits establishing an connection with a Front pannel at miles distance (although this might be possible by selecting "TCP Port"on Advanced Debugging Options page :).


Given the fact, it is your choice to modify the template or not (I wouldn’t). However, I am hopping you understand how things work now.

Message 11 of 16

i have the same problem.


I try to run the VI disabling debugging and it does not actually run (despite i see the blue led in KEIL ULINK2)


I have made the *.hex file but how can i download it to the Luminary Board???? 

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 16



       Were are you generating your hex file from (LabVIEW or Keil)? After you have your hex file, you should be able to use the Keil uVision environment to run the User Program that you select (your hex file). For more information on that, check out the uVision help file that comes with the environment or Keil's website (the help lays it out pretty good for "Create HEX File" and it walks through where the EPROM programming utility is). 

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Message 13 of 16



where to find this window? 

Message Edited by Sergiv on 05-05-2010 02:18 PM
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 16

Hi Sergiv,


Open uVision, select Option for Target botton, and then go to the Output tab.

target options.JPG

Message Edited by Claire R on 05-06-2010 03:08 PM
Claire Reid
National Instruments
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Message 15 of 16
thanks !
0 Kudos
Message 16 of 16