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sbRIO deploy network varianbles manually

Hi there,


I have an sbRIO project, in which I'll have to update the Realtime and the FPGA program. The variable engine is defined to be run on the sbRIO.

I found that just using the FTP to overwrite the original RT startup programm doesn't make the new settings of the shared variables work. I've also try to use the deploy variables using the Windows EXE application. But still I cannot find the new variable in the variable engine.


The question is how to update the variable engine without the full installation of LabVIEW, and also without the auto-deploy option of the windows program. Maybe also gut to know, how to reset the variable engine on the sbRIO target, without using the LabVIEW project window?

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Below are some points you should verify to ensure the shared variables work properly:


-Make sure the sbRIO contains the shared variable library. The shared variable library has .lvlib file extension, contains all of your shared variables and should be listed under the device (host PC or target) in your project explorer menu.
-Use the Distributed Systems Manager to troubleshoot and monitor your shared variables.
-Ensure that all SVs are deployed. Manually deploy shared variables from the Project Explorer window by right-clicking on them and selecting Deploy All.

Another article that describes how to verify your shared variable setup:
How Do I Deploy Network Shared Variables from a Compiled Executable?


Best regards,

Thomas B.

National Instruments

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