LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Adafruit Motor Shield Driver Problems

My computer shows the following path to the firmware that is compiled by the Arduino Integrated Development Environment and uploaded to an Arduino board.  The two main source files for the firmware are LIFA_Base.ino  and LabviewInterface.ino. 

"C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2012\vi.lib\LabVIEW Interface for Arduino\Firmware\LIFA_Base"

When you installed the firmware did you open the LIFA_Base.ino file, compiled it and upload the compiled file to your Arduino board?  You should be using version of the firmware.

Please provide the complete path on your computer to the LVIFA file you said did compile and to the LIFA file you said did not compile.   We need this information so we can determine why LVIFA will compile and the LIFA will not compile. 

For the record if one wanted to modify the LFA code to work with the version 2 Arduino Motor Shield one would be modifying the and LabviewInterface.ino files.  However, because of the time it would require I will not provide detailed instructions to show you what needs to be modified.  Instead the modifications could be done by an experience programmer who can examine the source files to determine what needs to be done.

As tame permits I will work on a sketch for use with Labview that does not use LIFA.  However, if you are impatient you could buy the original version of the Arafruit Motor Shield.  Here is a source for the original version.



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Message 11 of 39

This is the location of the .pde file, this is the file that complied

C:\National Instruments Downloads\National Instruments Downloads\LVIFA_Base_2.1.1.69\LVIFA_Base

the LIFA location is .ino file that did not complie is

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2013\vi.lib\LabVIEW Interface for Arduino\LIFA_B...

i will attach a copy of the error it gives.

I really appreciate your assistance with this and im a patient person so there is no rush i would rather try to get this card working than buy another.  also i came across this disscussion let me know if you think this might be a good approach.

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Message 12 of 39


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Message 13 of 39

Your Arduino IDE is not properly opening all required files.  It is missing LabVIEWInterface.ino.  This is why it won't compile.  Also, make sure you are not using the beta version of the Arduino IDE.  Use version 1.0.5.

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Message 14 of 39

ok well at least were figuring out what is wrong.  how do i go about fixing this?  andim using arduino 1.0.5-r2 not sure if thats beta

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Message 15 of 39


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Message 16 of 39

or should i just try that Linx thing you guys were talking about?

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Message 17 of 39

LINX is a nice product.  But it won't fix your version 2 Adafruit Motor Shield problem.  LINX does not have built in support for motor shields.  As of today LINX does not have support for DC motors or Stepper motors.

In the forum there is a request for stepper motor support and in the thread somebody ask for support for the version 2 Adafruit Motor shield.   Sammy says it is on his to do list but did not provide a time estimate of when motor shield support will be available.


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Message 18 of 39

I suggest you use the VI Package Manager to check the installation of the LIFA firmware on your computer.

Run the VI Package Manger. Then scroll down until you see the "Labview Interface for Arduino" line.  It should show version  If not use Menu > Package > Upgrade all Installed Packages to install version

You aid this was the path to the LIFA version that did not compile.

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2013\vi.lib\LabVIEW Interface for Arduino\LIFA_B...

This path looks very suspicious.  There should be a Firmware folder  after "Labview Interface for Arduino" and before LIFA_Base in the path. 

Try this path to see if the LIFA firmware complies.

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2013\vi.lib\LabVIEW Interface for Arduino\Firmware\LIFA_Base


0 Kudos
Message 19 of 39

ok i uninstalled the labview interface and reinstalled it to ensure i have the latest one and i will post the errors in complining.  And in response to earlier, yes you are were right it was in the ...LabVIEW Interface for Arduino/firmware/LIFA_Base and still get errors.  theres a ton of errors this time.  maybe i should uninstall some of these things and reinstall because it seems there are files that are not in their correct locations.  What should i uninstall?  the Arduino exe?

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Message 20 of 39