LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Arduino with Dot matrix

Hi all I am the new start for LIFA, now I want to ask u that how we control or display text on dot matrix by LIFA?


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Message 1 of 3

There are many many way you could go about this depending on which dot matrix you are using, is it common anode or common cathode, do you want intensity control or just on / off, do you have a control chip such as the AS1107 or do you plan to use shift registers or just DIO lines?

My recommendation would be to use the AS1107 or a similar 7 segment LED controller.  You can talk to the controller via SPI and it will handle 'scanning' through all the LEDs to 'draw' your text or image.

Let us know if you have more specific questions.


-Sam K

LIFA Developer

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Message 2 of 3

Thanks for ur recommance me, I also have controller with AS1107, but I just want to ask, that what should we do, ot how to buid diagram in labview, by using Labview Interface for Arduino?


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