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Can the Arduino Stepper Motor Example be used for L293D chip?

I am using the l293D motor driver IC and I wanted to know if its possible to use the arduino stepper motor example or stepper config/write functions with this driver? In the driver options for stepper config the options are: 2 pin, 4pin, EasyDriver, and Adafruit drivers. Is it possible to just chose one of these or is it not possible? I figured maybe the 4pin driver is the l293 since that has 4pins for control.. but Im not sure and also where do I specify which pins I am using on the arduino to connect to the l293..Anyone have any solution?

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Message 1 of 4

The LIFA stepper motor example will not work with L293D stepper drivers.  The LIFA stepper motor example uses an Easy Driver.  With an Easy Driver  the Adruino board sends a step pulse and a direction signal to the driver for each step.  Whereas with a L293D the Arduino board must send an ordered sequence of step signals to a L293D  two H bridges.  See the full step sequence in Figure 2 in

<> for the ordered sequence. 

Arduino code is available at <> for using a L293D to drive a step motor.  You can not use LIFA with this code.  But you can replace the serial monitor mention in the example w2ith a Labview VI.


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Message 2 of 4

can I use a big easy driver instread of a easy driver?

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Message 3 of 4

Yes you can use either the Easy Driver <>  ot the Big Easy

<> with LIFA.  The Big Easy has a higher current rating and can drive larger step motors than the Easy Driver. 


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