LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Firmware of AC dimmer

hey guy

i want catch rise edage of signal(as shown in figure 1) come from zero cross point circuit (as shown in figure 2).



the zero cross point catch from pins accroding to

the flowing Interrrupt table

Pin    |  Interrrupt # | Arduino Platform


2      |  0            |  All

3      |  1            |  All

18     |  5            |  Arduino Mega Only

19     |  4            |  Arduino Mega Only

20     |  3            |  Arduino Mega Only

21     |  2            |  Arduino Mega Only

and do processing than output signal to any output digital pins((note: program for this processing i put it in attach Files))

please,i want anyone have a knowledgement for editing Firmware  help me

i made editing Firmware and i put also  in attach Files

but i have problem in fuction of Interrrupt


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Message 1 of 6

I don't understand what you are asking for.  It's not possible to use the interrupts directly in LabVIEW.  Also, please use .zip files when uploading archives.

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Message 2 of 6

thanks Mr.  Nathan_B for response

i know ,It's not possible to use the interrupts directly in LabVIEW.

in my project, i want control the speed of AC fans or adjuestment time of lights to  

the AC dimmer circuit is used for this purpose

this video shown how dimmer circuit work

i will send from LabVIEW number of digital pin and dimming(_PWM) paramerter to aduino( adjuestment the width of high and low pluse signal)

my problem in Firmware

i changed attach Files to .zip format


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Message 3 of 6

Code is available on the Internet for using Arduino to create an AC phase control Triac power controller.  see:

<>  and


The code uses an interrupt to start a timer at each zero crossing of the AC power waveform.

The code then compares a set point with the  timer generated delay to trigger a Triac.

The code mentioned above is not compatible with the present version of LIFA.  As it will take considerable time to modify LIFA to use the code mentioned above I suggest you just use Labview for sending a set point to Arduino.


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Message 4 of 6

thanks Mr. hrh1818

you mean i cannot using attachInterrupt(0,zeroCrossingInterrupt, RISING) in LIFA

and i ask how can do AC dimmer compatible with  LIFA

please , help me or give me  clear idea if u could

thank you again

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Message 5 of 6

You need to modify LIFA to get LIFA to work with your dimmer code.   Start with studying LabviewInterface.imo to see how the select case structure is used to select different LIFA functions.  You will need to add a case for your dimmer function.  Next study Labview Interface for Arduino Packets found under the Documents tab to see how commands are sent from Labvirew to Arduino.   Next study existing LIFA examples to see how packets are created.  You will need to create a custom VI for use with your dimmer code. Next look at the LIFA Quadrature Encoder example Nathan created.   This example will show you how Nathan modified the standard version of LIFA for use with Quadrature Encoders.


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Message 6 of 6