LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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GPS Code won't run at same time as Arduino LabVIEW code

It needs to be wireless. The GPS and the Arduino are on a robot, no where near the PC. If I had the money and time, I would just order another Xbee set and use one of my extra Arduinos, but unfortunately my deadline for this project is Friday and my budget is out. So, I guess just a recommendation for future teams. Thanks for trying to help!

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Message 11 of 14

Wow, Friday, that's cutting it close.  If I had time I would try and write the functions but I have a test tomorrow night that I'm not at all ready for.  Good Luck.  If you ever feel like making it work after the semester is over (during the summer) let me know and I should have some free time to work on it (no school, just an internship for me).

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Message 12 of 14

I really appreciate it, but I graduate in 3 weeks and I'm getting married and starting my new job this summer so I won't be working on this anymore after Friday. Thanks tho

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Message 13 of 14

Hello, i was trying to probe this code but i can't becasue i have problems with,,, anyone help? thanks, and this code works for this module? thanks 

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Message 14 of 14