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Generating pulse in LV


I need generate signal on one data pin (Arduino UNO) .I have ten buttons in LV, from 0 to 9th.Each button has to generate pulses.

Button ONE generate a pulse : at the beginning should be 400 ms in high after that low 64ms, and  high 36 ms.

Button TWO generate two pulses: at the beginning should be 400 ms in high after that low 64ms, high 36 ms,low 64ms long, high  36 ms.

Three button generate three pulses and so on.

This is a pulse dialing.

As the easiest way to do this in LV?

All signals generate to output single data pin. Thank you

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Message 1 of 5

If that is the only thing you are doing you can use an event stucture with an event for each of your buttons.  Create a subVI that implements a single pulse using the LINX/LIFA VIs and then use that single subVI in each event.  When you need more than one, you can put it in a for loop.

Also, I'd recommend that you don't use LIFA but instead use LINX.  LIFA is old and unsupported.  LINX is the newer version of LIFA and is currently  being developed and supported.

Message 2 of 5

Just I do not know how to do it, because I'm a complete beginner in LV.

LINX i have in LV.

it is possible to indicate how it should look for number one? thank you

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Message 3 of 5

Here is the basic pseudo-code:

Write 1 to digital pin

Wait 400ms

Write 0 to digital pin

Wait 64ms

Write 1 to digital pin

Wait 36ms

You can look at existing code for LINX to see how to write to a digital pin.  For the waits, I recommend you take some time to do some searching (via the LabVIEW help files and examples and as a last resort you can Google it).  However, since you claim to be a beginner, I highly recommend that you take some time to learn the basics of LabVIEW programming.

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Message 4 of 5

Today I read the instructions. And I tried to create a program. Unfortunately does not work, and I do not know what to change or what I have doing wrong.

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