LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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How to take readings from values in arduino?


I am a beginner in lab view. I am trying to take values from the arduino (not from sensors connected to it but values stored inside arduino) and display them in labview but i couldn't find a way. My main purpose is making a fish farm monitoring system and i want to send data from an arduino to another arduino using nrf module and display the data on a gui. I installed the lifa library and was able to acquire readings from a potentiometer but i don't know how to acquire data from arduino directly. I have tried to write a code in the arduino ide to write analog data to a pin and read it from labview but it's not working. So i want to know if i should write the code in a different way or if there is any other method to acquire readings sent from an nrf module(nrf24l01).


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