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I want to use thermocouple with max 6675 and arduino uno r3 in labview

Hi Every one

Can you show me how to use thermocouple with max 6675 and arduino uno r3 in labview together

please let me know and if you have block diagram please let me know

Thank you very much

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Message 1 of 18

Hey Pakron10,

What part are you having trouble with?  The MAX6675 looks like it uses SPI so you'll want to use the SPI VIs in LIFA or LINX and check out the 6675 for the commands you need to send to the sensor.

-Sam K

LabVIEW Hacker

Join / Follow the LabVIEW Hacker Group on google+

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Message 2 of 18

can you show me block diagram? please

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Message 3 of 18

I don't have the sensor and have not written any code for it, but if you let us know what you've tried what is not working the way you think it should and what questions you have we'll do your best to help you figure it out.


-Sam K

LabVIEW Hacker

Join / Follow the LabVIEW Hacker Group on google+

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Message 4 of 18

Page one of the following link shows a block diagram.


The block diagram uses a 68HC microcotroller.  For an Arduino Uno use the following pin numbers.

MAX6675           Arduino Uno    Arduino

Signal Name      Signal Name   Pin Number

  SO                  MISO                12

  SCK                SCK                  13

  CS                  SSB                  10


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Message 5 of 18

Hi, I try as same as Mr.hrh212 on arduino Uno I have system run seems no problem but, I see nothing from spi data read out. What is wrong? please comment.

Jakkrich S.

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Message 6 of 18

Dear Mr.Sammy_K,

      Now my MAX6675 module can sending measured value in degree C, and F through serial monitor of Arduino  editor program perfectly, so I need to get that values into the labview to monitor and keep data to spread sheet. Could you please advise for an example please.

Thank you very much,

Jakkrich S

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Message 7 of 18


LIFA has been replaced with LINX.  I suggest creating thread on the LINX forums.


-Sam K

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Message 8 of 18

In the LINX forum there are 28 MAX6675 messages.  One or more of the messages should answer your questions. 


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Message 9 of 18

Hi, Ni,

Now I use Labview 2012 it can not use Link so Link use of Labview


Have you any Idea?

Best regards,

Jakkrich Srithongchai


Nok Air

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Message 10 of 18