LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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LIFA Success Stories

Do you have a LIFA success story? Share it here!

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

I just wrote a little program that uses an Arduino, Hall effect sensor, magnet, 5.6kOhm resistor, 10nF capacitor, a LED and a couple wires to read the amount of teeth of a steel gear that rotate by the sensor.  The program is simply a digital read and count, but with the Hall effect sensor and gear it acts like a single line relative encoder and only and cost ~$45 in hardware.  It also lights the LED describing the state of the Hall Effect sensor.  Good times.


Message 2 of 9


That sounds awesome.  Can you post some picstures or a video?  I would love to see it in action.

Sam K

LIFA Developer

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

I've used LIFA to develop a topside GUI for my homebuilt ROV. Spent a year trying to get VB6 to do what it took me a week to do with LIFA.

Great toolkit guys!

Quantum Mechanic at Large
Message 4 of 9

I'm using LIFA for my mechanical engineering senior capstone project. I'm using the Arduino Uno+Labview along with some sensors and LEDs to increase efficiency on a manufacturing process. Having Labview is great because it makes my job way easier. Thanks for making this!

Message 5 of 9

I intergrate LIFA to my ongoing project. It's a project to control a electric bike which consists a BLDC motor for the wheel.

I use OSC (open sound control) to control the speed of the bike from my iphone.

The wheel is from amped bike

Labview recieves speed command from the iphone than send it to the arduino. Based on the required speed, the arduino control the BLDC by a motor driver shield.

For OSC i use the framework from here:

With some minor change, i have this front end:

front end.JPG

And here is the back end

back panel up.JPG

back panel down.JPG


It works great!

ps: I'm new to labview and still learning. If you work with labview and OSC before please contact me, i have some question that may be you can help.

Message 6 of 9

I developed what we called Production Performance Monitor...which basically is a GUI to indicate, instant ciclye time, avg, cycle time, quality defects counter, it graphs the pieces per minute produced on the it saves it to a TXT file for analisys on excell..

the arduino is conected to a signal on the plc that makes a pulse every unit pass through the machine at the end of the also has buttons to clear indicators and reset quaility defects counter..

Message 7 of 9

At Iowa State University, we successfully used Arduino Mega 2560 with a customized version of LIFA to compete in NASA's Lunabotics Mining competition (May 2012).

Message 8 of 9

Our company owns a quite old concrete batch plant, which had full manual control requiring an operator to control 14+ switched and observe 3 mechanical scales. I was successful to upgrade this plant to an automated unit requiring minimal operator input using custom made Arduino Uno compatible board and LIFA. Wiring is still messy which I shall take care in the near future after all testing is done.


Control Unit for the plant


The VI


The plant.

Message 9 of 9