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LIFA send command to UNO Rx flashes no led (pin 13 )


Can anyone advise on the :-

Running :-

National Instruments LabVIEW 2012 (32-bit)

VI Package Manager 2012

Arduino Uno

First attempt a vi

I followed all the proceedures here  and i get some comms (the Rx led on the arduino uno flashes rapidly) when i hit run on Labview vi , but the led on the board does not flash ..its on, but very dim. Led works ok on arduino ide...any thoughts ?

labview vi screenshots  attached.

any help would me much appreciated, if you need more info please ask

thank you.

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Message 1 of 7

You need to use the correct baud rate.  The default baud rate for the UNO is 115200.  If you leave the baud rate terminal unwired, it will use the default of 115200 but you can wire if you like.

Also, if the pin mode of a pin and the pin number never changes, you can call set pin mode VI before the loop (it will make the loop run faster).

Message 2 of 7

hi Nathan,

thanks for your reply....i changed the baud rate to 115200, still no state change on the uno led !, but the LED on the front panel is "ON"...any idea of next step ?

thank you

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Message 3 of 7

Do you get any errors?  Have you tried the Blink LED example that comes with LIFA?  Are you sure that the firmware uploaded to the Arduino successfully?

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Message 4 of 7

I will have a bit more time over the weekend to investigate it, i will get back to you with some answers then thanks

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Message 5 of 7

No errors at first  When i run the Blink example with LIFA i get RX led on UNO, but no Blink from the board led , it appears as an RGB example, not a pin 13 blink is that right or ? !!! not sure about that , Fimware appears to load ok ..please see attachment


...tried a gain and got this error, it was'nt there before

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Message 6 of 7

If you google the error you can find the official documentation of it and look through the possible solutions.

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Message 7 of 7