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LVIFA_Base.pde upload failure on freeduino


I am using LabVIEW 2011 on a PC with Windows 7 installed. Recently I got myself a Freeduino (Arduino clone) with Atmega8L microcontroller on board. I installed VIPM and then LIFA by downloading the package. LIFA installation was done offline (computer without network connection) and it was succesful. Now I want to upload the LVIFA_Base.pde on my freeduino board. I tried to look for it in Program Files>>National Instruments>>LabVIEW2011>>vi.lib>LabVIEW interface for Arduino, but couldn't find. The I found one on this forum for LabVIEW 2012. When i tried to upload the firmware on freeduino using Arduino IDE, it shows multiple errors. One is as follows:

"TCCR2A was not declared in this scope".

I tried to find the device on MAX, where it was showing around 40 COM ports(!!!!!!!!!!!).

I don't know what might have caused the problem. Is it the board I am using (Its not Arduino UNO)? Whether the .pde file being of 2012 being the problem?

Any help is appreciated.



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Message 1 of 5

What version of LIFA did you get?  The latest version of LIFA ( IIRC) does not have LVIFA_Base.pde but instead has LIFA_Base.ino (the new extension is something the Arduino developers did and notice the lack of a "V").  It is located at:

C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2011\vi.lib\LabVIEW Interface for Arduino\Firmware\LIFA_Base\

Also, the LIFA firmware is not dependent on the versino of LabVIEW at all.  If you download the latest versin of the firmware for 2012 it will be exactly the same as if you download it for 2011.

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Message 2 of 5

I had LIFA installed earlier which I later downgraded to (I am not sure). I did this hoping to find LVIFA_Base.pde. But this was also showing error. I get the message as shown in the screenshotarduino.png

Same error was displayed with latest version of LIFA ( Arduino IDE, I am using is 1.0.5 version.

As you said, I also tried uploading LIFA_Base.ino file as attached in the post

I dont know whats wrong. May be You guys can help me out.


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Message 3 of 5


I am struck here and have to drop the idea of programming Arduino with LabVIEW.

Thanks for your support anyway.


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Message 4 of 5

hi bro i want your email for some query related to freedunio interfacing with labview.

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Message 5 of 5