LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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LabVIEW Interface for Arduino using Xbee Module

please i have the sam problem ,after changing labviewinterface.h and run program it work good but after few seconds connection faild

Note : i not make configure for xbee in x-ctu ,is this problem ?


Message 11 of 98


Arduino(laptop) <-> Xbee  ----------------- Xbee <--> Arduino <--> LV

Left                                                                                Right

I can send my data(String) from LV to arduino and the other arduino through ZB. This I am able to transfer on the other side too(to left).

But Can't receive any data on the arduino from the other side (left,through ZB) when LV is already communicating with Arduino(right side).

I think its because when LV is communicating with Arduino, its serial comm, using tx/rx of arduino and hence when I connect xbee's tx and rx to the same arduino, then its like 2 devices trying to comminicate with the same arduino through same pins and hence arduino suddenly stops txing the moment I connect xbee.


0 Kudos
Message 12 of 98

I have lotof probleme i don't know how i can connect Xbee with Labview ? if someone can help me step by step ? i use in baud rate 115200  in labview interface arduino ?

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 98

Start with a lower baud rate.  In my experience Xbees drop a lot of packets when you go above 48,000 baud.  Try using 9600 to start, once that works you can try increasing the baud rate.

-Sam K

LIFA Developer

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 98

  What materials do I have to have to use the XBEE with the Arduino LIFA?
I would like to start using....

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 98

hiiii.....i have the sam problem u had...i corrected the baud rates nd all...still no change.. its gvin me eroor askin to chk if ports are right !!..

please help me!

Message 16 of 98

Hii.. do anyone here try before using 2 xbee routers communicate to 1 xbee coordinator in labview interface for arduino? So far I managed to work with 2 xbee (1 router and 1 coordinator). But if I want to add another router to send signal to the coordinator, it is possible? As i try many ways still not managed to get it. Hope someone can solve my question.

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 98

Hi dazgamer12,

i was looking at the discussion as i am having trouble with my own  little project. I am trying to achieve wireless communication via Xbee  series one. The set up is as follows, i have the co-ordinator xbee  connected via an explorer board to my laptop, and a second  xbee(receiver) connected to and arduino board which will be connected to  a car.  want to be able to control the car from the front panel of my  labview . Im having serious difficulty with this and i am a newby when  it comes to labview and arduino with no experience in code.   I have  baud rate set at 115200 as my arduino and laptop dont seem to work at  9600. I think the problem lies with the code. I dont know how to set up  the xbee for communication in arduino. The VI works fine when connected  to aduino via cable with connection type set to usb/serial instead of  xbee. Im asking a lot but could you take a look and steer me in the  right direction please? Thanks for any help. code.PNGcode 2.PNGCapture 2.PNGCapture 1.PNG

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 98

To change the baudrate in the firmware you need to change it in syncLV() in LabVIEWInterface.ino, so, try 9600 again.  Also, to write to digital pins, you need to change every pin that you want to use as an output to an output (do this all before the loop).  Another thing that needs to be done is to have all Arduino VIs inline so that they execute sequentially (meaning you should only have a single Arduino resource wire through the entire code and only a single Close VI.

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 98

Nathan, thanks a million for your reply. I understand the executing sequentially part and single close and i will fix this. Some questions you might be able to help with. The LabVIEWInterface.ino ? is this different from LabVIEWInterface.h?

When you say "to write to digital pins, you need to change every pin that you want to use as an output to an output(do this all before the loop)" i dont understand you. I have the output pins 5 and 6 done outside the loop. Do you mean all pins inside the case structure need to be brought out too?

In the above code is there even a need for the setup part i entered or would the original LabVIEWInterface.ino file be sufficent with the baudrate set up?

At any stage in the above VI do i need a shift register instead of the tunnels?

And the final question when is there code to be entered to set up the Xbees or id this included in the LabVIEWInterace.ino file?

Thanks for any help.

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Message 20 of 98