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LabVIEW Interface for Arduino using Xbee Module

Can I use this box diagram to change pin number? I need to read four sensors.

0 Kudos
Message 41 of 98

Hello Mr.Nathan.

i'm the begginers of LIFA using Xbee,,
I would like to ask :

i have constructed an ECG circuit, the output to the Arduino UNO and i following the code LIFA, connect with the cable USB, so the ECG waveform appear well and smooth at the VI LabVIEW i constructed.

my question is,
i want to use a pair Xbee radios for wireless system (subtituted from RS-232 to USB), and at the receiver i used the arduino UNO and xbee module, how about that ??, i haven't understand yet, thanks, Regards

here the result of ECG using Arduino UNO and LIFA.blok ecg bpm.JPG


Message 42 of 98

Hi, I am trying to do something similar. U puted here a print screen of your VI , but please can u send to me the real VI ( the program ) ?. U cand send it to me on this mail adress:

Thank you very much !

0 Kudos
Message 43 of 98

hey man.
what kinda xbee you are using?
S1 or S2?
if S2 then you gotto program the arduino with another code apart from LIFA telling uno to program xbee whenever  serial data from LabVIEW is recieved.
Xbee uses a particular coding to operate. it cannot directly operate at the DC voltage levels produced at a pin just by using LIFA.

0 Kudos
Message 44 of 98

i'm using the Xbee S1.

ok, the xbee first to configures at the XCTU with the Xbees Adaptor right ?

Thanks! Regards

0 Kudos
Message 45 of 98

well if you are using xbee s1 then i would prefer you to go for IO line passing. in this method you make one input at the coordinator and one output at the router xbee. in this way when coordinator input goes high the output also goes high. for this you dnt need to do any extra programming in arduino.

0 Kudos
Message 46 of 98

thanks for your suggestions, very helpful.

i would ask to you, the xbees it can be transmitting range of 0-3.3V right ?
but the ECG circuit that i constructed have an amplitude range of 1-4V, can you give me solution ?
i have a plan, i will put the IC buffer digital High to Low Shifter at the line TX-RX, is that right ??

thanks a lot, Regards

0 Kudos
Message 47 of 98

well xbee only takes input of 3.3v and produces 3.3 v at every output pin
you can use a regulator at the input side and an amplifier at the output side.

0 Kudos
Message 48 of 98

hello there, i use two arduino uno nd two xbee 1wm for my final projects, but my sketch on Labview is not running if i combine the xbee. what wrong. is in the sketch or not? this is my sketch. are you all can help me. thaks.Untitled.png

0 Kudos
Message 49 of 98

you cant control xbee with this control panel. you are just setting  a particular pin high or low on arduino. xbee cant detect serial data only. unless you are using IO line passing which is present in xbee s1. so in my opinion search for io line passing . you can easily do it and moreover the sketch you have shown here can also be used. it would be fine for that purpose.

0 Kudos
Message 50 of 98