LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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LabVIEW Interface for Arduino using Xbee Module

What baud rate does bluetooth use?  I have a bluesmirf that I can use instead if that will work with the camera.

0 Kudos
Message 81 of 98

Spark fun says for the Bluesmirf "Any serial stream from 2400 to 115200bps can be passed seamlessly from your computer to your target."


Message was edited by: hrh1818

0 Kudos
Message 82 of 98

i started a new discussion post that way we dont mix topics in one thread about the camera.  Here is the link to the new thread.


Thanks again

0 Kudos
Message 83 of 98

hello there,

i need some help for my final project using LIFA and XBEE S1 wireless.

the condition is: i have two arduino uno, two xbee, and two xbee shield V.03 for arduino uno. i have done for setting the xbees with X-CTU software. i configure baud rate, PAN ID, and define the master and slave the xbee. i try connect the two xbees with serial monitor on arduino uno for ON/OFF LED. the Xbee master circuit connect to PC/Laptop with USB cable and the Xbee slave circuit connect to LED with adapter. and it's work normally.

what i'm asking is, if i use two arduino on this project, i must upload the 'lifa.base' both on arduino uno or not?'

thank's before,

Best regards.

0 Kudos
Message 84 of 98

We can't say whether you need to load LIFA on one or two Arduinos as you haven't told us what you want the two Arduinos to do.

But say you want the slave to collect data and use the master for an Interface between Labview and the slave then you only need to install LIFA on the slave.


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Message 85 of 98

i'm just control ON/OFF the pump. it already working when i used Xbee explorer USB from PC and aduino uno in slave. thank you for the answer.

but, if the supply on slave circuit lose, can the xbee slave transfer the data to xbee master and how to displayed in labview?


0 Kudos
Message 86 of 98

When you say "if the supply on slave circuit lose," Do you mean there is a loss of AC power,  loss of DC power for the slave or loss of both power sources?   If you want to detect loss of AC power about the lowest cost and safest method is to use a Wall Wart with a 5 volt DC output.  Then you could connect the 5volt DC output of the Wall Wart to one of the Slave's analog inputs and use Labview to monitor the Wall Wart's 5 volt output. 


0 Kudos
Message 87 of 98

Hi dazgamer12,

After reading your post it looks like that you have been successful in getting labview wirelessly communicate with Arduino. So can you please help me with the process.

Thanks in advance

0 Kudos
Message 88 of 98

To use Xbee with LIFA, it is straight forward. Have a Xbee connected to the TX and RX of the Arduino and ensure there is a Xbee connected to the PC. Make sure the baud rates are the same for the hardware and software. See the beginning of this thread for what to change in the .h file and to add the COM port constant in LabVIEW.

0 Kudos
Message 89 of 98

Thank you very mch for your reply dazgamer12.

So that means I need two xbees, one connected to PC and other with arduino ?

Also would I still need to upload LIFA file to Arduino ?


0 Kudos
Message 90 of 98