LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Problem with interface Arduino Labview(industrial project)

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  I am developing a project with Arduino and labveiw, i need that the interface working for moths but the interface sometimes work 12 hour and sometimes for 12 minutes , i dont know what happen

  Please help me

i attach my file

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Message 1 of 8

What is the error that you are receiving? 

Also, I notice that you have a lot of duplicate code.  It is possible that this is causing issues as well.  You are likely experiencing many race conditions between the duplicate code blocks.

Oh, I just noticed that you have passwords set as the defaults for some of the password fields.  You should remove the attachment, remove the passwords (make sure to set a default value with an empty string), then re-upload the code.

Message 2 of 8


thanks , but i need each block of the program , i don't understand you , i don t have password o tell me please where is the password?, i dont have any mistake i only want to know ¿why the the computer lose the interface with my arduino after of 12 hours o sometimes less , is like if i remove the cable usb while my program is running.

Please help me

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Message 3 of 8

What error are you receiving?

If you are using an Arduino Mega 2560 then you need to remember to set the baud rate to 9600.

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Message 4 of 8

One thing that will greatly help your code is to make the duplicate code into a subVI.  So, I made a function for you that sends an e-mail using the method that you've chosen.  It will make your code much much smaller and easier to handle.

Download all three of these files and open "Send E-mail Example" and see how simple it can be to send an e-mail with a subVI.  For you to actually use it, you will need to open "Custom E-mail Msg" by double clicking on it and then going to the block diagram and filling in the information in the constants (everything except subject and body since those will be replaced by the inputs).

Another suggestion is to avoid using local variables as much as possible.  It looks like you can simply switch all of your local variables to a wire from the original source of the information.

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Message 5 of 8

@nathan i am new to labview, i need to take the roll values from two mpu6050s through one arduino uno. There are codes online and modified to connect two sensors to arduino and take calculate the roll values using the DMP present in them. Now i need to add both the values and display it real time in labview. i saw through LIFA but i dont know how to configure i2c write and i2c read to get the roll values. need some help in setting parameters for these fuctions..

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Message 6 of 8
Accepted by Ramos2

This discussion is about Ramos2's issue.  If you are having issues with LIFA, please start a new discussion that discribes your topic and the issues and/or questions that you have.

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Message 7 of 8

Hi Nathan

i used your options and my Vi worked but i developing a new VI and i need that you check it out please send me your e-mail.

Thanks so much 

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Message 8 of 8