LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Sampling Frequency Analysis FFT for Vibration

I wan to build a FFT graph for my vibration sensor using arduino and labview. By using Labview Interface with Arduino I manage to get Amplitude vs Time graph. But I wan to use the frequency analysis on labview coding to identify the harmonic of faulty frequency, I been stuck with the coding for quite sometimes, anyone here can provide me some helps? thanks alot 😃

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Message 1 of 6

What frequencies are you trying to be able to distinguish?

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Message 2 of 6

Trying to identify frequency of 100hz component, i wan to make it in a graph of magnitude vs frequency, so i can identify during which range of time domain it has the highest peak of vibration. Possible to do it?

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Message 3 of 6

You'll need to do some tests to see if it is possible.  You'll have to consider the nyquist theorem.  There have also been discussions here regarding the speed at which acquisition is possible.  If you are simply using analog reads, the speed will be dependent on your OS and other programs that are running including the speed of communication with the Arduino.

Depending on how many samples you want/need, you might have to consider using the continuous acquisition functionality (this will be able to sample considerably faster than using a simple analog read in a loop in LabVIEW).  So, I would recommend that you find some threads regarding acquisition speed possible.

EDIT:  I just realized that you are trying to read three signals.  This would not be possible with the continuous acquisition functionality.

Also, given that you are reading three signals, it will be three times slower than reading just one.  If you consider the that a LINX (LINX is faster than LIFA) packet will be approximately 4ms, you will need at least 12 ms to get a single reading for your three signals.  That will allow you to get at most about 84 Hz which does not satisfy the nyquist theorem for a 100 Hz signal.

Message 4 of 6

What if I wan to sample at a lower speed and just to identify the frequency component using frequency analysis fft method within a specific time domain? I just need a very simple concept to do the fft using LIFA.

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Message 5 of 6

If you sample at a lower speed you will only be able to distinguish lower frequencies as explained by the Nyquist Theorem.

The FFT itself is not related to LIFA at all (it's just a bunch of math) but you need to have a known, consistent acquisition rate and understand what frequencies you will be able to determine based on your sample rate.

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Message 6 of 6