LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Setup LV Interface for Arduino PRO and blink example

Hi there!

I'm very new to both Arduino and LV. I should couple them for a thesis. Until now I thought the installation process was relatively simple but now I really got stuck...

I followed the well known tutorial for the installation and the first blinking example:

I can make pin 13 blink using arduino IDE but not using LabView. When I run the program, I can see the data transfer is happening but the LED on the board does not blink afterwards.

Looks like a communication problem:

- I have a Arduino Pro. I've read that only UNO is supported an in LabView I can only chose between Uno/Dimuelanove/Mega 2560.

  However I've seen a guy reading an accelerometer using LV and Arduino Pro. The problem is I don't have his contact...

- In windows device manager under Ports (COM & LPT) the port is not named "arduino" but just USB Serial Port (COM4). Can this be the cause of my problem?

I really hope that anyone has a hint for me... I'm totally lost

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If, in the device manager, the device does not show as an Arduino then you cannot let LIFA find the Arduino automatically.  You would need to manually specify the COM port.  As for the Arduino Pro, it is not officially supported but you should loook at other threads to see if using UNO as the board type works.

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