LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Test program of flashing LED. Programa de prueba de parpadeo de un LED.


Hola a todos, quisiera que alguien me aclarara una duda, quiero hacer un programa de prueba que haga parpadear el LED del pin 13 de arduino, y realize el VI que anexo, el programa funciona bien, el led parpadea normalmente, pero los leds de comunicacion entre labview y arduino TX y RX, se quedan parpadeando indefinidamente. Me pregunto si esto es normal por estar transmitiendo datos continuamente entre la PC y arduino, o hay algo que esta mal. Les agradezco la ayuda.


Hi all, I want someone to clarify a question, I want to do a test program to make flash the LED on pin 13 of Arduino, and Perform the attachment VI, the program works well, the LED on pin 13 flashes normally, but the LEDs communication between labview and arduino TX and RX, stay flashing indefinitely.I wonder if this is normal because it is continuously transmitting data between the PC and Arduino, or there is something wrong. I appreciate the help.

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Message 1 of 3

If it's still working then I don't see any issue.  Also, to test it you can simply increase the time on the Wait VI and see if it slows down.  I can't remember at what point those LEDs are visibly slow.

Message 2 of 3

yeah, you're right, it's working, and if I increase the time on the wait VI, the led increases the time flashing. I think that the program is working very well.

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Message 3 of 3