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error in "spi_sendReceive" (Arduino side)?

Hi there,

I was having trouble receiving SPI-messages. Checked the communication with a logic sniffer (everything as expected on the SPI-side) and I think I found the problem in the Arduino-code, function "spi_sendReceive".

After changing


Serial.print(SPI.transfer(command[i+6])); // this sends ASCII-characters




Serial.write(SPI.transfer(command[i+6])); // this sends raw hex-values


the correct data was sent to the PC. Am I messing something up here or was there really a bug in the code? Couldn't find any anything on the web about similar problems.

I'd be glad if someone could comment.



Message 1 of 3

I believe you are correct.  IIRC, I found this once before but was not able to test it personally.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3

Thank  you!!! I did the same (Serial.write(SPI.transfer(command[i+6])); // this sends raw hex-values) & everything is all right now!!!

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 3