LabVIEW MathScript RT Module

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erf function inputs not clear

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Hi all,


in the description in this link

it is öentioned that the erf function Erf (double x, double *erf) has 2 inputs.the second input should be an array of double but what exactly represents this inpt to the function because as far as i know erf in matlab have only one input.

Any explications please.


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

You are looking in the wrong place...


This function you showed is documentation for LabWindows CVI:


However, you should be looking at this document:


In this documentation, the function is y= erf (x), as you would expect.

Barp - Control, Simulation, RTT and HIL - National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

Hi Barp,


Actually, I am working in labview communications design and not labview so the "erf" function is not defined in the C node.

I searched the erf function in this link

and it directed me to Labwindows CVI.


as you can see the error.Any other suggestions please ?


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

@emnajaoua wrote:

Actually, I am working in labview communications design and not labview so the "erf" function is not defined in the C node.


So why did you post this in the LabVIEW Mathscript RT forum? This discussion probably belongs over here.


You can ask the moderator to move this thread.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8



I have already asked the question there but no luck so far.

also the "erf" function belongs to the mathscript RT module as I know so I wanted to search for a solution.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8
Accepted by topic author emnajaoua

For this product you are using (which you did not say, but looks like LabVIEW Comms , Erf function is not supported in Mathscript or as G-code.


Now you can try this code:


 a1 =  0.254829592;
 a2 = -0.284496736;
 a3 =  1.421413741;
 a4 = -1.453152027;
 a5 =  1.061405429;
 p  =  0.3275911;

s = 1;
if (x < 0) 
   s = -1;
x = abs(x);

 t = 1.0/(1.0 + p*x);
 y = 1.0 - (((((a5*t + a4)*t) + a3)*t + a2)*t + a1)*t*exp(-x*x);
y= s*y;

I converted from here:


By the way, this code could also be easily integrated using C-node too. 


Now, most likely Erf function will be available in future versions of LabVIEW Communications System Design.



Barp - Control, Simulation, RTT and HIL - National Instruments
Message 6 of 8

Hi Barp,


I am sorry for not being that clear.I have tried your solution in the C node but its outputs as not correct (I don't know why by the way).So I have tried the same script in the mathscript node using this and it seems to work.


Thanks for the solution .I missed the idea to search for a standalone function.


Best Regards,





0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

yes... I forgot that Mathscript requires ".*" if x is a vector. This is just natural as G-code...


Anyway, I am happy you have a solution until we have this function available for you.

Barp - Control, Simulation, RTT and HIL - National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 8