LabVIEW Project Providers

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Toolbar Button With Dropdown Menu?

Is it possible to create a GProvider with a drop-down menu from the toolbar button?

Like "Filter Project View", shown below?

Screen Shot 2013-07-16 at 11.52.39 AM.png

You'll notice also the secondary project provider on my toolbar from the examples -- I was trying to modify it to have two sub-menu items below one button, but it's always showing three toolbar btns.

thank ya!

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Message 1 of 10

AFAIK no, it's not possible.  I haven't really tried but I would bet that Sumedha has at least looked into it.

Sumedha - Any ideas if this is possible?

I can do some testing and ask around over here, but I can't gauruntee anything from me until post-NIWeek if that is acceptable.  Things are getting crazy around here.

Message 2 of 10

Thanks, David, we can defer this til after NIWeek.

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Message 3 of 10

Hi Jack, David

I don't know of a way to do this. But I am looking into it. So far all the ways I have tried are giving me the same result as Jack got. I will do more research tomorrow and let you know if I find a way to achieve this.


Sumedha Ganjoo | LabVIEW R&D
Message 4 of 10

It worked!

DropDown Toolbar.png

Here is the snapshot of that enabled this. Notice that the menu names have two levels ofhierarchy, i.e. two backslashes in their name.

Global_Init Dropdown code.png

Sumedha Ganjoo | LabVIEW R&D
Message 5 of 10

Sumedha wrote:

It worked!

DropDown Toolbar.png

Whaaaaat? Too cool! Thank you, Sumedha.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

Good work Sumedha, I'm glad you were able to prove me wrong 🙂

Message 7 of 10

Smooth, I was looking exactly for this.


But I'm failing on creating a mixup of buttons and a "dropdown button" within one project provider.


Is there a solution for that requirement other than using 2 project providers?


Best, Jens

Kudos are welcome...
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Message 8 of 10

After lots of trial an error I finally got it working...


Use naming like "menu1/menu2" for all Buttons and then "menu1/menu3/select_x" for a pulldown-button for the "Menu Name".



Kudos are welcome...
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Message 9 of 10

Where can I find the code for this?


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Message 10 of 10