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Antenna Radiation Pattern in 3D

Thank you Sir Johnsold..


I agree what you told and would try to implement what you have suggested..





I have already tried it wgich didn't work.


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Message 21 of 34

See here for an old thread where the CW-3D graph was used.




And here for tags assosiated with 3D graphs.


You still have to work out the math that works for you.



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 22 of 34

Thanks Sir Ben,


I am looking at the tags for 3D.

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Message 23 of 34

Hi, have you solved antenna radiation pattern in 3D, if have solved , can share me something? thanks, i don't konw how to put power data from spectrum into 3D pattern.


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Message 24 of 34

can you please send me the radiation pattern plot file on my email

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Message 25 of 34

@dityA9762571418 wrote:

can you please send me the radiation pattern plot file on my email

I'm not so sure you'll get a response from anyone here, but I'm sure the spambots that roam the internet will be happy to send stuff to your email acct.

(Mid-Level minion.)
My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
Proud to say that I've progressed beyond knowing just enough to be dangerous. I now know enough to know that I have no clue about anything at all.
Humble author of the CLAD Nugget.
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Message 26 of 34

can you provide the vi showing how you got the power received by the receiver as i'm facing problem with it.

I'm getting the required PSD but i want the power in dB and store it in spreadsheet to plot the polar plot.



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Message 27 of 34

I noticed that people are a little rude on this thread and not providing answers. Since I have work on this topic recently I decided to provide some (maybe late) answers in case anyone else needs help here.

First, attached is a sample 3D data file and 3D surface plot you can use (LV2017):

3D graph antenna.PNG

To make this happen, there is a trick to do in the plot settings (right click the plot):

3d properties.PNG

Then select "sperical" coordinates:

3D sperical graph.PNG

You can immediately see the plot use the data you gave it as rho, theta and phi.

The theta and phi data are degrees converted to radians.

The rho data was actual dBm powers normalized (since rho needs positive numbers, I scaled the data from +30 dB to 0 and then I just know the data is skew some factor). I'm currently researching how to scale the legend to display this information.

Hope this guides anyone stopping here to the right place in the graph.




Gerardo O.
RF SW Engineering R&D
National Instruments
Message 28 of 34


Hope you are good. My name is Ali. I also working on the topic of Antenna Pattern Generation using LabVIEW USRP. 

I would like that we connect through some social media app so that we can talk and help each other.

This will be very helpful for us. Thanks in advance for gicing your time. Looking for a reply from your side.

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Message 29 of 34

Hi Ali!

Gerardo O.
RF SW Engineering R&D
National Instruments
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Message 30 of 34