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Artificial horizon

Thanks CC.. 

Yes I remember those posts...  I guess the worms will have to find their own way south..  😉

I was referring to the star count from NI, not the one in the E-List. 

The average message rating at the bottom of your profile (the public version showing 857 *****).


Message 11 of 15

Since the indicator is created in LV, shouldn't it be a virtual horizon?

I hope the students give credit where credit is due.

"It’s the questions that drive us.”
Message 12 of 15
Yeah that is quite a good example. Unfortunately I dont have the knowledge or experience to be able to convert the pitch and roll vi to a useable instument that I can connect to my 2 signals from accelerometers. I was just hoping someone would have done it already since there has been quite a lot of discussion about it on the forum! The closest I have got it by trying to use active X controls but this seems to be an over complicated way of doing it.
thanks anyway
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 15

Boys and Gilrs,

ive seen this issue a few times so i have put together this example.

Hope it helps.



Richard S
Applications Engineer
Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
National Instruments UK&Ireland
Message 14 of 15

That looks fantastic and well done. A lot of code for one indicator ! Sadly I only have the Base Version of LV so have to use something more primitive.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 15