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Asking help about 'Implementation of Dithering Technique using sine wave' project

I have only 12 hour to finish this project, which asks "Implementation of dithering Technique using a sine wave". I need to clearly show the quantization error and how dithering has a positive effect. The given sine wave is 10Hz, 10V p2p and comes with 500mV added noise.

What I tried is I did a dY/dt of the signal and passed it through ADC-DAC with 10V p2p and 4 bit. Then when I plot it shows the quantization error properly.

Then I added a white uniform noise with the signal and repeated it 10 times then took a mean of the signals which should be better than the original since the original comes with 500mV of added noise already.

Can someone please help me in this situation if am going right or is there any other proper way to do this project?
#labview #dithering #sine #vi #project

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Message 1 of 3

Hi Anshu,


@AnshuB98 wrote:

I have only 12 hour to finish this project, which asks "Implementation of dithering Technique using a sine wave".

Then you better hurry up with your homework assignment!

(This is a public forum, but not a homework solution provider!)


Maybe you talk with your co-students: there were similar questions just some weeks ago about quantization problems/algorithms…


@AnshuB98 wrote:

#labview #dithering #sine #vi #project

This forum allows to set tags for a message, but you need to write them in a separate text box next to the message editor box. You don't need to add hashmarks. And you don't need to set a tag of "labview" in a LabVIEW forum! (And sometimes it might even help to use the correct capitalization of LabVIEW…)

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 3

@AnshuB98 wrote:


... which should be better than the original ...

Since you apparently implemented everything, you should be able to tell if it is better. Is it???


LabVIEW is a programming language and does not have Volts, ADC, DAC, and such. It is not clear if you are using a hardware implementation or just a software simulation. What kind of noise did you add  and how is the 500mV defined with respect to the distribution? You also did not specify the sampling frequency. Typically you want to add noise with an RMS corresponding to about half the resolution of the LSB of the DAQ. Is your 500mV reasonable for 10V and 4 bits?


If you would attach your code, we might be able to give some comments.

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Message 3 of 3