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Building Installer Crashes Developement System LV2014SP1

Dear Community


I have again a major problem which can not be reproduced up to now.

Hopefully somebody has an idea.


I have  a large project (including some LV classes, dll Calls (Hdf5), and Network shared Variables) which was fine since about one month ago.


Now I did some work on the project: The building of the application still works fine but then ************************

when I want to create the installer of the application (not depending on the additional installers I use) the whole developement system crashes completely.


The last line of the application builder progress window shows:


Adding file:


Labview Elemental IO-error.txt


It seems when it trys to add this file the system crashes and I am not able to build the installer.


This is a major problem because we need to roll out the new version to the costumer.


Hope somebody has an idea what to test next (I already did intense testing even on a different computer with the same project **so even the developement system installation may not be corrupt**)

Eventually there may be a problem with my 'alway include' files but I dont know where and w.


Hope you have some idea





Gernot Hanel
IONICON Analytik Gesellschaft m.b.H.
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 13

Is the problem repeatable, does it happen every time you try to build the installer?


Have you tried creating a new executable/installer build specification in your project and try to build that? 


Looking at the name of the file, it might have something to do with including error code files/descriptions. There's an option in the installer build specification under 'Advanced' for 'Install custom error code files'. Might point you in the right direction...

LabVIEW Champion, CLA, CLED, CTD
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 13

Hi Nottilie,


so you have an executable and you are calling a text file. When you try to build the installer your System Crashes. Can you reroduce this with a simple test project where you do not more than this?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 13

Thank you in the meantime for your input.


It turned out up to now that it is not reproducable but happening every time on this installer build.

Even when I make a new *.exe and a new installer of the same vi. within this labview project without haveing any additional installers and any dependencies it chraseh the developement system.


When building a different *.exe of a different vi and then a differnent installer it works without any problems.



Now I build up a new project "a lot of work" .

This solved my problem in the moment, but I am afraid that it happens again.


This is the status of the issue in the moment.



Gernot Hanel
IONICON Analytik Gesellschaft m.b.H.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 13

I'm having this exact same issue with LabVIEW 2014 (not SP1).  When I build the installer it will crash at the point before it adds the error files.  I will attempt to uncheck that box to see if it fixes things.


My application is very simple, it is only writing clusters of data to a network shared variable.  I noticed the OP also has an app using shared variables, could that be the problem?


Because I can't make an installer and I must be able to install and run my application on a PC that never had LabVIEW installed on it, what is the minimum I need to run this app that uses shared variables?  Can I have the destination PC just download the LabVIEW 2014 Run Time Engine as a separate download and be OK?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 13

I think I found the problem and unfortunately it seems to be related to the Viewpoint TSVN Toolkit.


See the following log from the crash report:


6/24/2015 5:48:18.059 PM
DWarn 0x50CBD7C1: Got corruption with error 1097 calling library mxLvProvider.mxx function mxLvApi_SetIconOverlaysBatch
e:\builds\penguin\labview\branches\2014patch\dev\source\execsupp\ExtFuncRunTime.cpp(247) : DWarn 0x50CBD7C1: Got corruption with error 1097 calling library mxLvProvider.mxx function mxLvApi_SetIconOverlaysBatch
minidump id: acdc1a8d-51cf-450c-8d63-fbc10cdecd70
$Id: //labview/branches/2014patch/dev/source/execsupp/ExtFuncRunTime.cpp#1 $



What does creating a LabVIEW installer have to do with icon overlays? I have no idea, but I know something that is LabVIEW related that uses icon overlays in the project – the Viewpoint TSVN Toolkit!  I promptly uninstalled the toolkit and I was able to build all 4 of my installers without a hitch multiple times.  Additionally, I’ve noticed that LabVIEW is much more responsive and launch time has been cut from ~60sec to ~20sec. 


Although this seemed to have fixed the problem (I tested on two machines both exhibiting the same behavior and both having the toolkit installed) I am dissapointed that I no longer have the TSVN toolkit because it was extremely useful.  


I recently upgraded to the latest version of the TSVN toolkit, I'm going to instead install the previous version(s) until I see the problem go away (hopefully.)


Does anybody here use the latest TSVN toolkit and have zero issues building an installer that has an app that uses shared variables? I'm not sure if the shared variables part is relevant but it might be.

Message 6 of 13



This could be the truth, but if this is the case even the newest version of TSVN will not solve.

We have installed the newest version on 3 computers and it happens sometimes (relatively often) on all machines.


I am not in the office till monday, then I will check if uninstallation of TSVN will also solve the problem in out case.


Thank you for the good idea. 

I will keep you informed about the results.



Gernot Hanel
IONICON Analytik Gesellschaft m.b.H.
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 13

Hi SeanDonner


I think you are absolutely right.

We uninstalled TSVN now (the latest Version was installed).


Now anything is much better again. 

It's a pitty to loose the SVN toolkit inside labview, but it was nearly not possible to build an application when TSVN was installed. (1 out of 7 worked with different crashes.) 


Sometimes the installer missed some files so it was not possible to run the installer.

Sometimes the build crashed with error -12.

Sometimes labview crashed completely as mentinied above.


This is my information about this topic.



Gernot Hanel
IONICON Analytik Gesellschaft m.b.H.
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 13

Hi Gernot,


I'm glad to see that my suggestion also fixed your issue.  The three forms of crashes were exactly the same symptoms I was seeing as well; missing installer files (specifically, build would crash, or the entire dev enviornment would completely crash.


The good news is that I provided a lot of info to NI and they are having R&D look into it; of course no promise there will be fix any time soon.   I'll also shoot NI an email with this link so they can see there is another person having the same issue.


Thanks for the feedback,


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 13



I'm experiencing the same problems with Labview 2013 SP1:

- Missing objects in executable

- Building an installer crashes the developpement system


Thanks for suggesting removing Viewpoint TSVN. You saved my day!



0 Kudos
Message 10 of 13