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Can place my .exe labview app on a public website

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If I have created a stand alone .exe labview application and would like to publish it on a public website so everybody can run it.

Is that do-able? if yes how?

Please step by step.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

Did you try reading the LabVIEW Help?


Did you try searching this site, as your question has been asked (and answered MANY times)?


If you did not, do so, and then come back with a specific question.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8



I did try help menu, it is confusing, as it talks about monitoring and controlling remotely a .vi

My question is:


I have an .exe application, and I want to know if I can put it on a website that everybody can run it.


i.e a simple calculator , that a person can enter the value in X box and the result will show in Y box.


Your answer it seems do-able, if you can send one link to the prrevious answer that will be appreciated.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8



Thanks for the reply.

Is that means, everybody wants to run that simple app on a website need to have a Labview run time installed on his machine?



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8
Accepted by topic author Fadi3

Yes, the computer that is hosting the application requires the LabVIEW Runtime Engine. It will also require a license for each connection to the panel. This is explained in the article I linked to.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8



I hope you are still watching this post and get my reply.


I have had the same questions for a couple years now and have not been able to get a straight answer as well.

We are a manufacturing house and my TE group builds and maintains a multitude of LabVIEW executable programs that need to be by at least 15 different stations.  I have used MS Publisher to create and deploy a simple web page that offer hyperlinks to each executable on our network drive. The problem is that all browsers want to block .exe files from launching, as they think they are a virus. So what we have done is developed a launch VI that opens the Explore web page and allows you to select any one of our released programs then the launch VI copies the link and opens it through LabVIEW thus avoiding Explore's caution pop-ups.


Here are a couple of things you will need to do this;

  1.  MS Publisher or equivalent web designer.
  2.  Your application VI in a stand alone .exe
  3.  A network drive accessable from the user side (manufacturing floor)
  4.  A web service such as Apache or equivalent and help from your IS department to host such a service.
  5.  Any LabVIEW version with a deployment package.
  6.  The appropriate runtime engine(s), standard and VISA RTE if you use VISA resources.


For us, this has become our release process and it works fantastic.


I would like the opportunity to have NI tell me they have such a service within there development environment or to work with me on developing this as a feature for future LV versions.


If you have any further questions you can e-mail me at

Good luck



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8



Thanks a lot for the reply.

will try to follow your recommendation and try it out.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 8