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Change Digital Waveform Graph data names to my Channel Name

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I have a Digital Waveform Graph. It is beautiful. The digital waveform graph is not using my human readable channel name as the plot label though. Instead I am getting a plot label like:




In my case this in not very helpful. When I define the channels there is a human readable name being defined like "Upper chamber switch".


How can I get my digital Waveform Graph to use my human friendly name (Upper chamber switch) rather than my channel definition string (cDAQ9185-1F11688Mod3/port0/line3)?


Image 3.png


I HAVE tried the following but it did not work:

Image 4.png

The channel names are confirmed as being there by checking Array 2 indicator values.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Hi flycast,


what about reading the channel names from your waveforms as a string datatype instead of those variants?


(If you would post real code [aka VIs] instead of just images of code we would/could help much faster/better…)

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 5

@GerdW wrote:

Hi flycast,


what about reading the channel names from your waveforms as a string datatype instead of those variants?

That sounds great. How? The only way I c an see to get a channel name is by using Get Attribute that returns a variant.


@GerdW wrote:

Hi flycast,


(If you would post real code [aka VIs] instead of just images of code we would/could help much faster/better…)

Yeah, I agree. In this case I am reading TDMS files, you would need the TDMS files and it contains confidential information. In some cases I have created simplified VI's to post.

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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author flycast

Hi flycast,


@flycast wrote:
That sounds great. How? The only way I c an see to get a channel name is by using Get Attribute that returns a variant.

Reading the help for those functions would really help!


See this (I had to read carefully, too):



Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
Message 4 of 5

Perfect GerdW - You are a genius! I read that but didn't clue in to what "NI_LineNames" meant.

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Message 5 of 5