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Clearing indicators every time program runs

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I know ther are many suggestions offered on this forum of how to clear indicators every time a program runs. I have tried everything that I have found on this forum site. I really need some help here. I thought going to VI preferences, then execution, then clear indicators when called would do the trick...but it doesnt work.


I am posting my code. I know it is poorly written, but my only priority right now is to get the indicators to clear. Any help would be appreciated!! Kudos for all.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

The solution was already given in the other thread you posted in to.



Message 2 of 9

I have tried that solution. It did not work for me.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

You have not set 'clear indicators when called' or used the property node. When I set 'clear ...' and run your VI it does clear then indicators. If you are going to say that you tried something, post the VI where you actually show that you did try.

Message 4 of 9

I have checked off that property in the preferences, but I still cannot get them to clear when I run them. Do I need to wait a longer amount of time before the values clear (other than a few seconds)? The values where it says "Max Force", "Min Force", "Max Distance", and "Min Distance" do not clear when I stop the program and run the program again. The same values from the last time I ran the program continue to be there.


I even added another way to set them to zero (reinitialize to defaults). It still does not work. Do my defaults change every time the program runs?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

Your values clear when I run your program.


I think your problem may be that you are using uninitialized shift registers.  Actually, in this case uninitialized feedback nodes.  The feedback nodes hold the values from the last run of your program, and are then quickly repopulating your controls.


Wire up some constants with default values to the initializer terminals of the feedback nodes.

Message 6 of 9

How can I do that? Do I wire constants to where data initially goes (on the dynamic data) in the consumer loop?


Sorry, I am new to LabVIEW so I am not 100% with all the lingo.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9
Accepted by topic author hotshot

Right click on the initilizer terminal (looks like a star) and select Create - Constant.  Then type in some value, like 0.  The star changes to some funny shape as shown below:



- tbob

Inventor of the WORM Global
Message 8 of 9

All you guys are awesome! Thank you so much!

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 9