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Colour selection for a heat picture

Hi all, 

I work actually on a project and have some problems. I hope someone her can give me a helpful tip. 


I have an array with 80x64. I want to create a picture from this array. 

When I use the "draw unflattened" I get a picture of what I want. The problem here is, I want to switch the colours because it's normally a heat picture. 

I need an option to select the max and min temperature to display the colours right. 


The temperature trend is: 


red (60°C) -> orange (50°C) -> yellow (40°C) -> green (30°C) -> light blue (20°C) -> blue (10°C) -> dark blue (0°C)


I hope my problem is understandable. 🙂 


As attachment is the 80x64 array. 


Thanks in advance! 

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Use Intensity Graph!

See this link for info on how to adjust the colors:

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