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Communication with a Virtual COM Port device returns error code: -1073807343

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I have a USB device, which is recognised as a Virtual COM port. I assigned it to COM6 then tried 5 and 7 (in Control Panel\Sytem properties\Hardware\Ports) and used HyperTerminal to ensure that I could establish a communication with my device. The following settings were used: COM Port6, Baud rate: 9600, Data bits: 8, Parity: none, Stop bits: 1, Flow control: none. At this point, everything worked perfectly.


Following to this, I tried to use the Serial Communication.VI (shipped with LabView) and applied the same settings for the VISA Unfortunately, the communication failed and the VISA returned the error code: -1073807343 (BFFF0011).


Prior to this, I performed the same task using an Agilent Function Waveform Generator and everything worked fine.


I’ve looked up for the error code and couldn’t find anything in relation to my problem.


Could you please help me on that one? Thank you

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Message 1 of 8

Just an idea : open MAX (Measurement And Automation Explorer) to check if this port is listed. If yes, check its VISA alias and status.



Message Edité par JB le 10-28-2008 02:05 PM
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Message 2 of 8

Thanks for your prompt reply. I've forgot to mention in my original post that I'm using LabView V6.1.


I've tried what you said and COM7 is seen as working properly and its VISA alias is COM7. Despite that, I could still not get any communication while using the Basic I/O in the Open VISA Session. I've tried twice with and without the asynchronous box ticked. 


I also tried the VISA Session with the Agilent signal generator and it worked fine ( Maybe I should mentioned that the Agilent uses a traditional RS232 COM port).


Is there any thing else I could look at or try?





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Message 3 of 8

Again just an idea. Hyperterminal automatically adds the \r\n termination to a message. LabVIEW doesn't and therefore these characters must be added in the code. See this document for more details.


But according to your error message, I'm afraid that the problem comes from anywhere else...

Message Edité par JB le 10-28-2008 04:13 PM
Message 4 of 8
The same remark applies to the VISA Test Panel...
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Message 5 of 8

Thanks Jb for the interesting Info. I've just had a look at it now and I'm going to try something else with LabView. However, I'd like to know if you could send me 6.1 version of the Basic Serial Write and Read_1 attached to the Document or alternatively a picture would do.


Thanks a lot



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Message 6 of 8
Accepted by topic author Mr B
LabVIEW 7 is no longer installed on my machine and therefore I cannot convert the VI back to 6.1. The only thing I can do is to attach the HTML documentation showing the front panel and the diagram of this example.
Message 7 of 8

Hi J B,


just to say thank you again for your help. Everything is all working now......yeeess !!!





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Message 8 of 8