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Continuous TCP reading from RT system

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Hello everyone!



I have an AVR32 Board which continuously collects data and sends it to a PC. The PC communicates with the AVR via LabVIEW for data processing and e.g. setting the measurement parameters. Up until now I used a RS232 connection and processed the incoming data via the VISA driver. But since the serial connection is so slow I now want to upgrade to TCP/IP.


Current working state:

With the serial connection I checked the COM-port buffer every n milliseconds and processed the data in a queue afterwards. So basically my VI checked if the PC received something and processed it right away.



So I tried to create a similar VI with TCP Read and I thought that I neededed the Immediate mode. I wanted to do this since it's a continuous data stream with a custom protocoll where the package sizes vary. But while wireshark tells me that the data packages arrive, I can't read them in LV.



Basically I have the same problem as this guy. But sadly he already worked it out without enlightening poor bastards like me ;). So could you please help me with this?


I attached my current testing VI.




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Accepted by topic author Prunebutt

Sorry for the doublepost... where's the edit button? o.O


Ok, I could've figured it out by myself. My problem was that I had to specify how many bytes there where to read. My VI received the packets as soon as I told it to wait for 1 byte to read.


Thanks for reading anyways. 😉

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