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Control from Host.Vi

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In my project where i control a motor via LV,i can see the FPGA.Vi is controlling the motor when i run it directly without the,the problem occurs only when i run the Host.VI directly that i do not see it having any control on the motor.


Pls help me where i am going wrong

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 38

Can you show your code?
Maybe you should use Open FPGA VI Reference Function

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 38

Thanks for the response.


I did follow the 3steps mentioned below,

  1. Open a reference to an FPGA VI, build specification or bitfile.
  2. Send or receive data using the FPGA Interface functions, such as the Read/Write Control and Invoke Method functions.
  3. Close the FPGA reference with the Close FPGA VI Reference function.

The code is too big,i do not think i can upload here


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 38

So, You decide your problem?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 38

I am working on my project,you think i cannot even know what the prob is??


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 38

Hi Krupa, Artem.SPb told that if you post your code it would be easy to debug and help you.

-If your code is too big, you can zip entire project and post.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 38

I get it,thanks.

That's a university project,not sure if i can share the code here.

I have followed all the 3steps that i posted above.Pls with this info,could you help me.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 38

Can you make simple code (2-3 function on FPGA) and test it with simple
If it doesn't work, post code here.
Now your question like "I press power button on my PC, but it doesn't start. Why?"

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 38

Tell me if the following is correct:

  • You are working on a LabVIEW Project (using LabVIEW Project) that includes an FPGA Target.
  • You have some FPGA code that, in Development Mode, you can deploy to the FPGA and run, interacting with its controls and indicators in LabVIEW Project.
  • You now want to run a Host VI that "calls" this FPGA code, passing in controls and getting back the indicators.

I've not done a lot (and none, recently) with FPGA, but have done a fair amount with LabVIEW RT and communication with different targets.  I may mess up some of the details for your particular Target, but the general principles should still apply --

  • For the Host to communicate with the Target, the Target must be running its code.  [In my case, I've either built an Executable for the Target and set it to run as Startup Code, so it is "always running", or, if I'm developing, I deploy to the Target "by hand" and start it.
  • The Host needs to establish communication with the Target and use agreed-upon Protocols.

It sounds to me like most of what I described you are doing.  The only thing that I'm uncertain about is whether the Target is running its code already when you try to control it from the Host.


     I can appreciate you reluctance to share valuable Intellectual Property here.  However, you could copy your entire Project to something called "Forum Project", go to the FPGA code and strip out everything except some very simple function, go to the Host code and strip out everything except connecting with the FPGA and doing very simple communication, and saving this (very-much-smaller and largely "anonymous") Project.  Compress the folder containing the Project and all of its VIs, and attach the ZIP file.  This way, we "see the code" but you "protect the IP".


Bob Schor

Message 9 of 38

Thanks Bob,Atrem.


As you rightly said,i did cover alll the points that you mentioned.

//The only thing that I'm uncertain about is whether the Target is running its code already when you try to control it from the Host.//  COuld you pls let me know how can i check this?When i run the Host,i do not see the running in the PC.


Also i would do the checks  that Artem mentioned and also i will share the SW as mentioned by you soon.

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 38