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Creating Matrix

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Seems like a simple solution but my simple mind is confused.

Have an x value array and y value array (posiyion data) and a z matrix of data associated with each x,y pair. Would like to present and save this data in a specific format, i.e. x-values horizontally across the top of the matrix, y values vertically arranged on the left.  Z-matrix data is then placed under each x,y position (think excel spreadsheet).  I will then save the generated matrix as a .csv file for opening and further analysis later.

Xo, Yo should either be empty or padded with a zero.


Tried several things but somehow just missing the procedure.

Any help available?




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Message 1 of 4

If by "matrix"* you actually mean a 2D array of data with visible row and column headers this is very easy.  Just use a table control.  Make the Row and Column Headers visible and fill them with your X and Y array data and then fill the table with your 2D array of "Z-matrix" data.  


To try it out just drop a table down and right click to make the headers visible.  Then use property nodes to fill in the headers and data.


*If you're actually working with mathematical matrices there is the matrix control and the Linear Math palette. Smiley Wink



LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019 - Unfortunately now moving back to C#, .NET, Python due to forced change to subscription model by NI. 8^{
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Message 2 of 4
Accepted by topic author bonnerupc

Something like this?

build headers.png

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Message 3 of 4

Thanks!! exactly what I wanted.

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Message 4 of 4