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DAQmx for LabView 2016 on MAC OS X

Hello every body.


I have a problem with DAQmx driver for LabView 2016 on MAC OS X.


As I understand DAQmx palete for the latest version LabView not released yet. What can I do now?

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Message 1 of 14

As far as I know (and Ihave been using LV on the Mac since version 1.2) there has never been any version of DAQmx available for the Mac. You can use DAQmx Base, which is a completely different driver despite the similarity of the names.  I am not sure what the latest version number is but I know it is compatible with LV 2015.



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 14

This is assuming that you are looking for DAQmx Base - as pointed out above.


Do you have access to a previous version of LabVIEW (2015, for example)? If so, you can copy and paste some files from the DAQmx Base 15.0 install on LabVIEW 2015 into the LabVIEW 2016 directory. I can provide you that list of files if you do have LabVIEW 2015.


I'm currently working on a solution for those who do not have previous versions of LabVIEW available and will keep you updated.


Also, what version of OS X is your Mac running: 10.10 or 10.11?

Nathan Murphy
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 14
I don't have previous version Labview unfortunately. OS X 10.11.6. Thanx for the answer
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 14

I've been doing some basic testing and have gotten DAQmx Base 15.0 to install to LabVIEW 2016 on both OS X 10.10.and 10.11.6 (fresh installation from the App Store). 


Now, bear in mind this isn't an official solution but it ought to work in the meantime. 


Download this archive file and then extract the contents in your LabVIEW 2016 installation directory. Select the option to merge the folders, then restart LabVIEW. You may want then to Mass Compile the <vi.lib>/_DAQmxBase directory to avoid some long load+compile times. 


Let me know how this goes!

Nathan Murphy
Message 5 of 14

Thanks, that solutions works to some extent for me om 10.11.4. I get some strange errors which are resolved by restarting LV. I'll get back if I see how I trigger them.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 14

jope123 - any luck in replicating the errors? Do you remember what the text of the error messages were? If possible, can you upgrade to 10.11.6 and see if the same errors are thrown? 

Nathan Murphy
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 14

I got a lot of something like "one or more channels did not respond". This seemd to be due to some glitch in the connection. If i did not use the USB DAQ activly the connection was lost and i had to disconnect/reconnect the DAQ and restart LV to get it back. If I made a mistake and recived an error code a LV restart was needed. Some of the time NI MAX did identify the DAQ as "NI USB-612x" and some of the time as USB0::0x....

After upgrading OSX to 10.11.6 I do not need to restart LW after provoked falts and have so far not had a drop of connection.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 14

Interesting - glad to hear 10.11.6 is working better. Keep this thread updated if you see any more strange behavior. 

Nathan Murphy
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 14



I am having the same problem (LabVIEW 2016 has no DAQmxbase drivers). I do have LV2015 with the drivers installed. I tried copying the _DAQmxBase and _dmxb folders from the LV2015 vi.lib folder into the same folder on LV2016, but the "Measurement I/O" Pallet is still empty. I can open the individual DAQmxbase vi's using the "select a vi" option, but that is inconvenient. I have not tried the DAQmxbase 15.0.0 vi's to see if they work. I suspect that there are other files that I am missing. Can you send me a lists of files that I need to copy between the LV2015 and LV2016 folders to get DAQmxbase to work? Thank you.

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Message 10 of 14